اختبار في الانجليزية english 2trim 3 sci corrected
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اختبار في الانجليزية english 2trim 3 sci corrected
English exams 3AS scientific streams
Download english exam with correction level 3 as + 3 bac
الاختبار الثاني في مادة: اللغة الانجليزية المدة:ساعتان الشعب: ثالثة تق / ت ر / ر / ع ت
A/ Comprehension (07pts) Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Some people may feel upset that shops during this holiday season failed to meet their expectations. Not Bill Talent, a New York priest,
who has been going on the streets of the city exhorting people to resist the temptation to shop and the demon of consumerism.
Shoppers, he believes, have little regard for how or where or by whom the products are made. They have almost no resistance to the media messages that encourage them, around the clock, to want things and buy them. He sees a population lost in consumption, and the meaning of individual life vanished in a fog of wanting, buying and owning too many things.
‘Consumerism is a dull way of life,’ he says. ‘That’s why I am trying to stop this frenzy and the buy-nothing-day is meant to reduce its intensity.’
It is not that Bill Talent thinks that no one should ever buy anything. On a recent afternoon, he was seen purchasing a ream of printer paper and other goods. It is the futility of shopping he is trying to address – the futility of leaning too heavily on the material at the expense of the spiritual and emotional. He wants to help awaken desensitized shoppers because they are underestimating the complexity and the beauty of life beyond the frustration of the feeling that they are poor or have little or not enough possessions.
Constance L. Hays
The New York Times : Jan.2003
1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.
a) During holiday seasons, shops do not provide everything people need. …………….
b) Shoppers pay particular attention to where and how products are made. …………….
c) Consumers can not resist advertisements. …………….
d) Bill Talent is not totally against consuming. …………….
2. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a. How does Bill Talent try to stop excessive consumption?
b. What is Bill Talent’s campaign called?
c. Why are people frustrated according to Bill Talent?
3. Choose the best answer. The text is:
a. a radio report
b. a speech made by a priest
c. a newspaper article
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